Outdoor Advertising: Relational or Interactive?

This is an interesting example of outdoor advertising that is interactive (not relational).
Because it's best that I post the Canty Library book back to chch from Sydney to avoid being held up at customs with my library debt, I went to the MCA today (Museum of Contemporary Art) on my lunch break from work and brought "RELATIONAL AESTHETICS" by Nicolas Baurriaud! $24 well spent! (+$3.60 bus to get there, but who's counting)
I've started reading and the thought that I found interesting is:
"The space of current relations is thus the space most severely affected by general reification. The relationship between people, as symbolised by goods or replaced by them, and signposted by logos, has to take on extreme and clandestine forms, if it is to dodge the empire of predictability. The social bond has turned into a standardised artefact." (Page 9)
I may or may not elaborate on that later.
11 May 2007 at 07:28
Would be good to see how you think this relates to the images you've put up? So using your reading of Bourriaud to reflect on design/advertising projects...