My Visual Tunnel
On Tuesday 27 March I tried to depict my journey through photographing my visual path from home to work. The interesting thing that I was wanting to find out was how much advertising comes into my line of sight on my daily trip to work.

Map of Sydney's Inner West suburbs from Google Maps showing my trip.

Same Sydney Map but in Satellite view.
My journey starts at
7.25am walk out of the door of my apartment (Marlborough Road)
7.37am catch the train from Flemington Station to Town Hall/QVB
8.12am catch the 443 bus from QVB (York Street) to Pyrmont (Harris Street)
8.25am walk to EYE (Harris Street to Saunders Street)
AND all the photos I took that day are coming hopefully in a slide show thing. (I'm working on it)
So check this space in a couple of days when i get access to internet again.

Map of Sydney's Inner West suburbs from Google Maps showing my trip.

Same Sydney Map but in Satellite view.
My journey starts at
7.25am walk out of the door of my apartment (Marlborough Road)
7.37am catch the train from Flemington Station to Town Hall/QVB
8.12am catch the 443 bus from QVB (York Street) to Pyrmont (Harris Street)
8.25am walk to EYE (Harris Street to Saunders Street)
AND all the photos I took that day are coming hopefully in a slide show thing. (I'm working on it)
So check this space in a couple of days when i get access to internet again.
5 April 2007 at 21:01
Keen to see how this manifests itself? What seems important to you etc... will check back soon.