Billboard for MINI somewhere in Italy, where a fiberglass mini is attached to a moving ramp to create a Yo-Yo effect.

Nintendo DS Wrap somewhere in Japan.

outdoor advertising that thinks outside the square: takes on a more practical approach.

another add with a practical approach! Very Interactive.
This entry was posted by galina, on
Thursday, 8 March 2007.
You can leave your response.
8 March 2007 at 10:13
It'd be interesting to begin to figure out how you want to evaluate this stuff? Because there's obviously different ways you could come at it... aesthetics, ethics, etc. And is it the marketing strategies you're interested in or is it the relationship of the ads (as aretfacts) to their environment (which is what you allude to in the research outline)? So, for instance, a discussion about the Mini Billboard could go in many directions... I wonder how the designer of that building feels about that very large "billboard", which is essentially just a big rectangle, being stuck on the side of their building? I'm oversimplifying a complex situation, but you see what I mean?
What questions do you want to ask about these things?
...which I think will come out of the reading you need to do. And it's obviously fine (in fact preferrable) for such questions to evolve/mutate during the year.